Saturday, April 11, 2009


Alright, guys. So, the status of Re-Up, YO!Berry & Karmaloop.. and prom. lol.
As some of us might already know, Re-Up & YO!Berry are going to close, due to the economy and a couple of other reasons.

Well, there was a massive clearance sale at Re-Up yesterday & I decided to buy this KidRobot halter dress, fairly cute since I need way more summer clothes, like legitimate summer clothes, no t-shirts & shit. Re-Up has been open for less than 2 years so it's devastating to see it close, especially since I've met so many people from that place, plus, it was my cute lil summer hang out. lol.
Here's a picture:

YO!Berry, oh mann, Jane hasn't decided when she's going to close it yet but I mean, she's going to California for 2 weeks at the end of this month and she's gonna see if Mark, her brother & the other owner of the frozen yogurt stand, is going to sell it. Most likely, it's closing but I mean, selling some place like that would be a slow process I assume, so I guess we can still enjoy that delicious fro-yo until it's gone :(

Karmaloop is moving towards the end of Newbury St., when this move is occurring, i'm not sure yet but it's definitely happening. The end of Newbury St. meaning it'll be closer to where the Urban Outfitters near Hynes Convention and Massachusetts Avenue than where it was before, close to Copley Square and that section of Boylston St. I'm sure you guys are just as pumped as I am because that way, Karmaloop can stay open for longer instead of seeing it closed all the damn time due to construction! But yeah, more good news, my internship at Karmaloop will soon be half & half hopefully. Half gift codes for doing product descriptions for the website & then working at the store :) Jackie, Andrew, and Anan were supposed to talk about it, but I'm SO pumped! I've done a few modeling pictures for the site but I don't exactly like them but I'm anxious to see the two actual modeling pictures for Lira.

New Stuff at Karmaloop:
- Bow Wow came into the office & did "Their Words" for KarmaloopTV, check it out!
- New 10.Deep!
- New BB Dakota stuff for the ladies!
- Check out the stuff, we got so much shit in!

so, I ordered the dress yesterday, it's Faviana & I got it for $97 including shipping [what a steal!]
I don't give a shit that it's a 08 style, 08 is still fuckin great & 09 is so fine. lmao. I'm so wack, please kill me hahahaha!

So here's a picture, only the one I'm getting is turquoise:

So, I still need a shitload of money for prom but that's okay. I'll make it, hopefully. lol it sucks so bad not having a job. But I'll update everything for prom soon! :)
Currently, I'm listening to: Zacarias Ferreira - El Triste (for all the avid Bachata fans)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

this chapter of my life is officially over.

well, looks like i'm gonna go back to hanging out with my babies :)
such as vickiana, ramzy, and people who actually make sense.
i've come to realize that there are just some people who don't deserve friends, at all.
there are some people that are just total cunts that deserve to get a slap across their face.
like who do you THINK you are? get over yourself, you're nobody, nobody to me, at least.

ugh, thank god this shit is over. i don't need you & you don't need me, it's all good.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

gone for a minute,

but i'm back again!

anyways, i'm back, yeah, cool, i know. lol. but i developed the camera from amy's 19th birthday yesterday, one of the most annoying days ever because nobody was on time but in the end, it was great. of course, i was desi-d. these pictures came out wonderful & i posted them on facebook for everyone to see.

but not only that, it's been a month since my break up and i can say that i feel a little better. maybe it was the fact that i wasn't as ready as i thought i was. i mean, things like that happen. it wasn't just infatuation, of course, because i knew how i feel. he's still one of my friends but i wouldn't be able to put myself in the same situation again.

also, i've also came to the conclusion that relationships are probably not for me. i shouldn't pursue any. i'm glad i didn't really pedro after the break up too. i just need a break from the male gender. lol they're too much to handle and i, lily, am too much too handle. but it's good that i have my lil steady batch of friends. still hanging out with whit, bexley, cristine, aaron and amy. love them all so much.

haha, i've come to realize that i'm a horrible blog writer. LOL. my vocab needs augmentation asap. i talk mega casual in my blogs but ftp, i don't care.

tomorrow's supposed to be 60 degrees! i'm pumped! i wanna wear my naughty monkey sandals that i just got at work yesterday. andrew said that if i don't come in today, i'm fired. lmao. so i'm just gonna eat & go in anyway.

always love coming from me, xox!
& happy st. patricks day, there's no school in boston HAHA

Thursday, February 19, 2009

all good things must come to an end.

although there are some things that i want to save, sometimes it's too hard. it's like the past repeating itself, seriously. i've done people wrong & they've done me wrong. it happens and life moves on. i've learned that i shouldn't try to put effort into things that won't get any better. plus, it COULD get better but then there's something i can't reveal. i'd be with him and feel all this guilt.

but anyways, a lesson learned.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

these bitches ..

these bitches are funny. lol.
how do you stick up for someone yet say mad fake shit at the same time?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

sooo sick

ugh, i'm so sick. i've never felt any worse. i've been sick for legit, a little more than a week and it sucks. not to mention that i totally sound like a dinosaur too. LOL. but no, seriously, i need to get better like RIGHT NOW before i kill someone. im coughing like a maniac and shit & its not cool. ive had way too many cough drops too. theyre starting to taste almost gross & i always loved cough drops like i loved the flintstones vitamins i used to take when i was younger.

but today is probably my least productive day of work. mainly because i've probably done most of everything that i ever had to do. geez louise. but fab's leaving next friday, meaning i'll be andrew's intern. i guess it'll be cool working with someone new. maybe someone who gives more of a shit & does what they're supposed to do.

but whatevs, life is good. no doubt about that.
i miss tbn! lmao

Friday, January 30, 2009

some people just never change, and that's a fact.

the funny thing is, people claim that they've changed for the better or whatever or have decided to finally see things how other people perceive them. there are so many people i know that say this shit all the time. i mean, of course, i don't really care but it DOES get annoying.

i'm currently at work listening to tengo un amor. lmao. how wack.

but anyways, this dude right, he's always on my jock about shit and he's upset that i do not feel the way he does. i do not want to pursue a relationship with him, ever probably. i'm satisfied with who i have now & there's no way he can ruin that. he's incompetent and he'd never even compare to my boyfriend. he's always bullshitting me at work. like seriously, is that necessary? bitch, i'm NOT tryna kick it to you. i'm NOT tryna get to know you. i'm here strictly for my internship so man the fuck up and get over your little bitch ass self cus nobody likes that shit. it's much appreciated when people know when to stop acting like little cunt muscles. but this dude, omg, youre way too old to be fuckin wit this type of shit. like seriously. he said that he's changed & he's a better person this & that. you still act like youre 13, sorry. sorry that youre 20 and you still suck. ok the end. lol.

/rant. lmao. im so wack.

but yeah, there are so many other people here in the office that are sweethearts, if only that idiot can realize. he doesn't have to take shit out on me just because a girl doesn't like you. that's just not how shit works.

but yeah, i'm about to go to dinner with wetwet, bexbear, & cristine. <3

Sunday, January 25, 2009

some people are just so stupid.

i'm not even gonna mention any names in this, because you should know who you are. it's evident.

but! there are just so many people who are so idiotic & never think of consequences for their actions. i honestly think that there are people out there that are so insecure of themselves that they have to like "do something cool" or "say something cool" to make people think they're a good person. what IS the definition of cool anyway? but yo, there are so many kids out there that are cool but people are ignorant of the fact that they're different so they refuse to get to know them. i know some kids who are like, into way different shit than i am & hang out with way different people than i do, but it's not like i'm not gonna talk to them because they're not like me. people are so caught up in themselves nowdays. like, how is displaying pictures of you doing illegal shit cool? i honestly think you're just begging for attention. attention that you're STILL not getting in reality. you can get that shit on myspace & facebook all you fucking want but at the end of the day, you're still wiggity wack, b.

& yesterday must've been one of the most like .. nerve-wracking nights of my life. don't get me wrong, i love my friends to death but yo, yesterday was just too insane. i like don't even know where to begin but these dudes are seriously some of the most amazing people i know even though one of em, i've only known for about a week. they are wonderful people but i just wish they knew how wonderful they are instead of saying that they don't have anything ahead of them. success is always in the future, it's only your choice to pursue it. if you don't, then obviously it's not gonna come to you. success is for people who have the right mentality & believe in themselves.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

it's one of those feelings you can't describe.

well, probably everyone knows already, but yeah, i have a boyfriend & his name is Harry. he is a respectable person & i care about him so much but lately, i've been feeling empty; i don't know what it is.. but it doesn't bother me but it does at the same time. i've been feeling indifferent almost. i know it's probably because we haven't seen each other in more than three weeks but i've been through the same thing before and it wasn't that bad, well it didn't feel as bad as this. ugh, i hate relationships. lol they make me think too much.

also, i had a good time last night, first time i actually went out like that since vickiana's birthday. spending time with people you truly care about is something that fills up that sense of emptiness, maybe that's why i felt better than usual. anyhow, i don't drink or smoke, so i drove. lol. it was pretty great. i pretty much suck at switching lanes & remembering what speed i should be going.

but on a better note, i'm officially off depo provera, that fuckin shot is what you ask for if you want to die & i'm mega excited for valentine's day, not only because that's the next day i'll be seeing harry but just the fact that we're all gonna be together. i love going out to dinner. lol.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

when am i ever gonna get warmer?

yeah, it's pretty cold as shit outside. matter of fact, this has been the coldest winter in the last 3 decades. how does that make you feel? the snow's piling up, not melting, solidifying.

i honestly hate this season, not only because of the cold weather, but how people act during this season! like i've noticed people are bigger bitches during this time, including myself. so my bizzle. idk, something about winter that just gets to people to get them actin all dicky & shit.

but i must say, i've met some rather wonderful people during this time.

but yeah, i'm gonna hate winter until i can wear sweaters & panties in a log cabin at those ski resort type things. snuggle up close to the fire with some hot cocoa watchin a fuckin movie on a huge flat screen tv. yeah, that'll be the day i fuckin like winter.