Tuesday, February 3, 2009

sooo sick

ugh, i'm so sick. i've never felt any worse. i've been sick for legit, a little more than a week and it sucks. not to mention that i totally sound like a dinosaur too. LOL. but no, seriously, i need to get better like RIGHT NOW before i kill someone. im coughing like a maniac and shit & its not cool. ive had way too many cough drops too. theyre starting to taste almost gross & i always loved cough drops like i loved the flintstones vitamins i used to take when i was younger.

but today is probably my least productive day of work. mainly because i've probably done most of everything that i ever had to do. geez louise. but fab's leaving next friday, meaning i'll be andrew's intern. i guess it'll be cool working with someone new. maybe someone who gives more of a shit & does what they're supposed to do.

but whatevs, life is good. no doubt about that.
i miss tbn! lmao

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