Wednesday, January 21, 2009

when am i ever gonna get warmer?

yeah, it's pretty cold as shit outside. matter of fact, this has been the coldest winter in the last 3 decades. how does that make you feel? the snow's piling up, not melting, solidifying.

i honestly hate this season, not only because of the cold weather, but how people act during this season! like i've noticed people are bigger bitches during this time, including myself. so my bizzle. idk, something about winter that just gets to people to get them actin all dicky & shit.

but i must say, i've met some rather wonderful people during this time.

but yeah, i'm gonna hate winter until i can wear sweaters & panties in a log cabin at those ski resort type things. snuggle up close to the fire with some hot cocoa watchin a fuckin movie on a huge flat screen tv. yeah, that'll be the day i fuckin like winter.

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