Thursday, February 19, 2009

all good things must come to an end.

although there are some things that i want to save, sometimes it's too hard. it's like the past repeating itself, seriously. i've done people wrong & they've done me wrong. it happens and life moves on. i've learned that i shouldn't try to put effort into things that won't get any better. plus, it COULD get better but then there's something i can't reveal. i'd be with him and feel all this guilt.

but anyways, a lesson learned.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

these bitches ..

these bitches are funny. lol.
how do you stick up for someone yet say mad fake shit at the same time?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

sooo sick

ugh, i'm so sick. i've never felt any worse. i've been sick for legit, a little more than a week and it sucks. not to mention that i totally sound like a dinosaur too. LOL. but no, seriously, i need to get better like RIGHT NOW before i kill someone. im coughing like a maniac and shit & its not cool. ive had way too many cough drops too. theyre starting to taste almost gross & i always loved cough drops like i loved the flintstones vitamins i used to take when i was younger.

but today is probably my least productive day of work. mainly because i've probably done most of everything that i ever had to do. geez louise. but fab's leaving next friday, meaning i'll be andrew's intern. i guess it'll be cool working with someone new. maybe someone who gives more of a shit & does what they're supposed to do.

but whatevs, life is good. no doubt about that.
i miss tbn! lmao